Q: If I sign your petition, do I automatically become a member of the Sasquatch Party?
A: No. We have to become officially recognized on a local (State, County) level, established with with the County Clerk (in WV – other jurisdictions will vary) to become an official “party”, then we can switch our registration. Depending on the jurisdiction (State), this process varies.
Q: What do you expect to achieve?
A: First, we’re voting on principles and plan to continue to vote on principles. Just because a candidate from another party meets one of our goals, doesn’t necessarily mean they deserve our vote. Several of their characteristics may be in direct conflict with our platform and for the good of the country or local jurisdiction. Voting for inconsistent and/or “the best of the worst” candidates does no one any good. While this may not make a change, by actively abstaining from voting FOR someone, we can show our objections to perceived rigged elections. If in the event we can slate candidates, we will be able to put them on the ballot for upcoming elections.
Q: Aren’t we “throwing our votes away?”
A: Absolutely not! One problem that we have in this country is “getting out the vote” and pressuring under informed voters to cast votes for candidates or issues they know nothing about. Therein lies a bigger problem than third-party-candidates. By those under informed voters going to the poll and making selections, they’re effectively misusing their votes. By becoming a member of a party that takes no donations and keeps members informed of issues/candidates in a manner not based on slanted material, we hope to create a more informed voter base. The elections of party members are just that, they’re determining who their candidate is for the fall election. Standing on our principles, we’ll only vote for candidates that adhere to those same principles, voting for candidates that do not meet this criteria is part of the problem. Historically, we’ve been voting for people that speak with forked tongues, lying to us to get our votes. The two-party system doesn’t make their candidates hold to the principles of their parties, they’re constantly going against the beliefs of the voters to further individual agendas of candidates.
Q. Once the party becomes officially recognized and I change my party affiliation, will I still be able to pull a ballot in the Primary election (in WV) from one of the other parties?
A: No, and that’s the point. We want to stay away from the two-party primary system, allow other party’s members to select their candidates, we’ll either hold out for the General Election in the fall or elect our own candidate from within the Sasquatch Party. Further, many States do not allow party members or undeclared voters (independents) to pull other party ballots, West Virginia recently passed a law that disallows independent voters from pulling a party ballot in upcoming primary elections.
Q: Where can I donate to the party?
A: You cannot. We will not accept your money. We don’t want it. Campaign donations are part of the problem. Career politicians that make their living off of the backs of voters is part of the problem.
Q: Doesn’t this go against everything we’ve come to understand as being “common” in the political arena?
A: Yes! That’s why we’re doing this.
Q: What’s the purpose?
A: Deep down, most people want to be left alone as far as the government goes. Stay out of our business. We’re reclusive by nature, we’re loners. Who is happy when the g-man comes to inspect our property? Does the thought of a government inspection of your possessions make you happy? Of course not. Stay off my lawn!
Q: Is this anarchy?
A: Absolutely not! We’re not wanting to eliminating all taxes or all government services. We want to minimize to the point of what is needed, and not everything the government does is needed.
Q: But I like my local government, they don’t interfere with my rights!
A: Great! Then they’re doing things the way it should be done and contrary to the national average. Just because some of us may live in an area where the government is the way it should be, doesn’t mean it’s like that every where. Spread that experience out and help others get their governments in line with the will of the people!